
GoldRiver Launches New Website

We’re proud to announce the launch of our new website, still found at The new site features a more streamlined user interface, provides for the inclusion of more frequent and informative updates and industry news stories, and does a better job of conveying the company’s values and emphasis on

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Six Brother Lunch

One of the nice traditions we honor in the family business is a quarterly get-together of what we call the “Six Brothers Lunch”. This consists of three generations of the Barton men who are or were actively involved in the management of Barton Ranch and GoldRiver Orchards. The only rule

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Winter Rains and Snow Welcomed

We’ve been getting a lot of questions lately about how the heavy recent rains in the Valley and snow in the Sierras will affect the 2024 walnut crop. The bottom line: we love the rain and, especially, the snow! The walnut trees are still enjoying their winter sleep (or dormancy)

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Walnut Board Announces Blockbuster 2023 Crop

When the California Ag Statistics Service (CASS) released its estimate on the size of the 2023 walnut crop, the estimate of 790,000 tons was thought to be about in line with expectations. But the main driver of that estimate was an anticipated heavy crop on the state’s largest variety: Chandler.

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What the objective estimate tells us

Today the National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) released its annual Objective Measurement Report, better known in the industry as the Objective Forecast. Here are the highlights of the report and a brief interpretation of those numbers: The crop is estimated at 790,000 tons, a 5% increase from the 2022 crop

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Serene Beauty of a Walnut Tree

I grew up in a walnut orchard. When I was a kid, I just kind of took this fact for granted—even all the way through high school. It was only when I got to college that I began to realize how unique this was compared to most peoples’ experiences. In

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Pre-Harvest Report

As we turn the calendar to September, we’re happy to report that weather conditions heading into the harvest season continue to be close to ideal—dry, sunny weather with seasonable temperatures and a promising ending to what’s been an excellent growing season for California walnuts. Last year at this time, we

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GoldRiver Receives 12th Consecutive Pinnacle Award

As a member of Safe Food California, GoldRiver Orchards receives three unannounced quality audits per year. These audits ensure that we are meeting all Global Food Safety standards and that we’re complying with the Food Safety and Modernization Act of 2009 (FSMA). We are pleased to announce that GoldRiver recently

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Walnuts are a Great Snack!

The California Walnut Board has commissioned annual consumer attitude and usage studies for years. Since 2017, the number one consumption occasion for American consumers is no longer walnuts as a culinary nut for baking or as a garnish on salads. Consumers’ number one preference is snacking. And guess what? Not

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