Meeting The Highest Standards For Global Food Safety
On December 1, 2016 GoldRiver Orchards was notified that it had been officially certified as a Safe Quality Food (SQF) Level 2 processor. The SQF Institute is based in Arlington, Virginia and is one of a handful of certification agencies whose standards conform to the highest food safety standards under the Global Food Safety Initiative.
In order to qualify, GoldRiver had to pass two separate audits—a “desk audit” which comprised a two-day review of the company’s HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points) plan and documentation to ensure that GoldRiver was structurally and organizationally prepared to meet the high standards, and a plant audit, which stretched over the better part of three days. The certification means that GoldRiver Orchards’ food safety standards meet the strictest standards in the world, and opens the door for GoldRiver to be able to sell its products to the most discerning buyers.
Our certification extends for one year and must be re-audited and renewed on an annual basis.