drone view of facility

GoldRiver Launches New Website

We’re proud to announce the launch of our new website, still found at www.goldriverorchards.com. The new site features a more streamlined user interface, provides for the inclusion of more frequent and informative updates and industry news stories, and does a better job of conveying the company’s values and emphasis on product quality, great customer service, and integrity in all we do.

The site continues to provide a robust wealth of data, but because it’s organized in a more accessible fashion, visitors can point to various highlights to get the specific information they’re seeking. For example, if you want to know more about the company, click on the headers “Our History” and “How We Work”. If you just need information on the products we offer, click on “Products”. And if you need information on our rigorous food safety standards, click on “Food Safety”. You can also find family recipes featuring walnuts, vintage photos of farming in the San Joaquin Valley through the last eleven decades, and beautiful pictures of the ranch and our way of life in agriculture.

We welcome you to roam freely—and if you have questions or seek more details, click on the “Contact Us” link and we’ll get back to right away.